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Don't get confused between your Target Audience (TA) and Target Customers (TC)


Don't get confused between yout Target Audience (TA) and Target Customers (TC). Many believe that the key to success is studying your target audience (TA). However, there is a nuance here: TA and TC are not always the same thing.Here's an example:The target audience is those to whom the product is directed. For example, children who watch cartoons on Youtube constitute the target audience for toys and sweets, which are integrated as product placement. They are interested in new products, wait for new series and may beg their parents to buy these toys.Target customers are those who are actually willing to pay for the product. For example, parents who buy toys for their children. They won't necessarily play with the toys, but they may be the target buyers for Hot Wheels and My Little Pony.Most of the revenue usually comes from target customers, as they have more purchasing power. They don't always match the target audience of your product.A fatal mistake for entrepreneurs is to confuse those who need a product with those who are willing to pay for it.

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