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25 professionals
9 fields
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Who we are

Every branch of our team consists of highly passionate and experienced professionals, who share the same flame which drives us to make things better and to expand the boundaries of the opportunites. We are proud of our team’s unique vision which is created by the different skills, personalities and perspectives that each team member brings to the table.

With a team of reliable experts we are ready to solve the most complex tasks in the following areas:

  • Fintech
  • Entertainment
  • Ecommerce
  • Catering
  • Educational
  • Realt estate
  • Medical
  • Fashion
  • Manufacture


Shopify, Wordpress, Webflow, Framer, Custom CMS
Adobe service, Cinema 4D, Blender, Figma, Principle, Midjorney
Google analytics, Google ads, Facebook ads, Tik tok ads, Youtube
Python, SQL , Php 8+, Laravel, Lumen, Yii2, Symfony, etc.
Vue.js, Node.js, Nuxt.js, React.js, GSAP, Angular, TypeScript, Svelte


Pavel Tsishchanka
Chief Executive Officer
Alexander Borohov
Chief Information Officer
Maryia Rakouskaya
Chief Financial Officer
Valeria Marchuk
Photo & Video Creator
Iliya Shkuruk
Chief Operating Officer
Stas Drozdov
Advertising Manager
Nadia Pogodaeva
Project Manager
Dmitriy Bushinskiy
Chief Marketing Officer
Varya Bogutskaya
SMM Manager
Roman Litvinenko
Head of Design
1. Transparency of the entire implementation process
You’ll have full access to all of the information according to your project’s progress and status of tasks on any device that suits you. Jira, Trello
2. Communication is an important part of any project
Our areas of focus go beyond just process, we build trusting relationships with our customers and partners. Listening and being on the same page with you are our priorities. Slack, Skype, Zoom, Telegram
3. Task Management and Solution Finding
The timing and budget of each project changes not only the scope of possibilities but also the approach. We always control the process of implementation within the established criteria, meeting the obligations and expectations of the client. Jira, Trello
4. Support and performance monitoring
Our areas of focus go beyond just process, we build trusting relationships with our customers and partners. Listening and being on the same page with you are our priorities. Сonsultation, Google analytics, QA


Pavel Tsishchanka

We are responsible for the quality of our projects. We provide technical and analytical support. We take pride in each case.

Individual approach and flexible system of cooperation, we analyze the task and agree on a method of interaction.

  • Flexible payment system
    • Milestone
    • Time&Material
    • Fixed Price
    • Retainer
  • Management methods
    • Agile
    • Scrum
    • Kanban
