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Instagram Reels surpassed TikTok and Facebook in branded video content


Based on the 2023 results, longer videos on Instagram Reels demonstrate higher effectiveness compared to short clips. 

The main theme here is that there are untapped opportunities for brands looking to expand their video strategy on Instagram and incorporate Reels into their social media campaigns. The data shows that the audience responds positively to longer videos — the key is to create entertaining and valuable content that keeps them engaged.

Users spend more time watching video content than any other format on social media. On average, over half of the time (56%) spent by US adults on social media is dedicated to watching videos, a 15% increase over the last three years.

While video duration matters on Instagram, it is less crucial on TikTok. Longer Instagram Reels videos averaged 8,372 views compared to TikTok's 3,379 views. Similarly, shorter videos (under 30 seconds) garnered an average of 6,145 views, while medium-length videos (30 to 60 seconds) averaged 7,830 views. The significant difference in views is attributed to Instagram prioritizing Reels on its platform.

Not surprisingly, the effectiveness of Facebook Reels aligns with its subsidiary, attracting over three times the median views compared to other video content on the platform.

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