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Interactive design predictions for 2024


Interactive design predictions for 2024

In 2024 AI will continue driving innovation in interaction design, enhancing tools' precision and integration into our daily workflow. Imagine a future with a fully responsive, hyper-personalized AI-based experience, shaped by deep user analysis.

In the realm of AI-generated UX through natural language, the launch of GPT plugins offers exciting possibilities. The shift toward direct communication between users and websites or apps could redefine interaction paradigms.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the development of mixed reality. Products like Meta Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro hint at an augmented, not entirely virtual, future. This prompts exploration of how to create compelling digital experiences overlaying our physical reality.

In VR, overdue innovations in UI and UX present opportunities for reimagining interactions. The world may finally adopt a UX style reminiscent of Minority Report.

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