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When does your website not need SEO?


Let’s say it right away: SEO promotion and basic search engine optimization are not the same thing. SEO promotion is needed to get into the top search results, and without basic optimization, the site will not appear in searches at all or only for specific low-frequency queries.

Therefore, basic optimization is necessary for any website, because ultimately any website is created for users and it is important that it be visited. 

But SEO is not an effective promotion channel for everyone. So, when is SEO not effective?

When meaningful results are needed here and now

SEO is a long game. Even with regular work to improve the site, it takes a long time to gain the trust of search engines. So you will see high-frequency queries (which users often search for and where the competition is higher) in the top search results in six months or a year. In low-competitive areas this period is shorter. But if you need instant payback or urgently need to sell seasonal goods, it is better to invest money in contextual advertising or integration with bloggers.

Example: a multi-page website for an annual film festival with year-round merch and a blog makes sense to promote in search. But the landing page with the film premiere is not.

When you are not ready to improve the site

With a high degree of probability, in the process of website promotion you will have to modify something - add new blocks, new sections, improve the technical aspect. Over time, the design of the site also becomes outdated; it should be updated periodically. Therefore, a developer almost always works in tandem with an SEO specialist.

Your niche is occupied by aggregators

Competing in search with marketplace giants only makes sense if you have sufficient budgets for multi-channel marketing. It’s better for small businesses to connect to these same marketplaces, earn money there, and only then invest in their own website.

There is no mass demand for your product

If you're selling innovative wind turbine blades, it's better to hire a smart sales person instead of SEO.

Firstly, in narrow niches your site will already be in the top - simply because there are few competitors. Secondly, SEO promotion does not create demand, but only helps customers see you. If your product is simply not searched for, then the search engine will not show it to anyone.

However, any of the four points listed is a wake-up call, but not a final verdict. Very often it turns out to find a loophole.

Why invest in SEO at all?

Search engine promotion, although it takes months, is still one of the cheapest methods of promotion; it returns investment faster than other marketing channels. The ROI of SEO is 5 times greater compared to contextual advertising.

Organic traffic is considered the highest quality. If the user himself found your site in a search engine (rather than seeing it in an advertisement), he is much more likely to make a purchase.

To help you utilize SEO at its maximum capabilities, we at offer you an express website audit. This service allows you to assess opportunities for promotion, identify errors and areas of growth, and draw up a work plan for basic website optimization. Fill out the form on our website and we will select the most effective way to promote your business.

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