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Why does your business need a brand book?


What is a brand book?

A brand book is literally a book of a brand (how unexpected, huh?), where its individuality is revealed. This is a source of inspiration and a set of rules for using the main visual elements of a brand - logo, palette, fonts, etc..

The task of the brand book is to create a coherent image to create a positive perception by consumers. A brand book helps to involve employees in the brand building process and increases the effectiveness of brand design.

So, what questions do you need to answer before developing a brand book?

Business tasks. Are you expanding or opening a franchise? A brand book is an ideal tool necessary for creating and running a new business and regulating business processes.

Marketing tasks.The brand book answers the questions that the marketing department faces: how to build communication, how to attract new customers, how to launch a new product.

Communication tasks. How can you use a brand book to change people’s perceptions of a brand?

How to Structure and what to include in your brandbook?  

Brand attributes

It describes the brand’s values, strategy, and, in fact, attributes

Brand identification

This describes the brand name or logo. It is the main asset of the brand and identifies the company or service.

Brand style guide

This section contains guidelines and rules. It regulates the use of intellectual property elements on the main identifiers and brand media. Helps to properly and effectively manage the brand and its assets.

Sometimes this section grows into a separate book, which can contain up to several hundred pages. It gives a complete picture of what the brand sounds like, what it looks like and how it acts in different situations.

A brand style guide is a simple and effective way to ensure consistency across touchpoints when working with multiple teams and partners. It simplifies the work of the marketing department and contains:

The main constants of the brand: options for using the logo in color and monochrome versions, safe fields and rules for constructing a brand block, minimal versions of the brand name, rules for writing and pronunciation of the brand

Rules and guidelines: documentation, design and execution of points of sale, design of advertising materials

Templates for documents, presentations, advertising and marketing materials

Digital assets: logos, marks, color palettes, media files, font libraries and intellectual property.

And Finally…If you are planning to develop your business, but still don’t have a brand book, we recommend creating one as soon as possible. And we are ready to help you with this. Fill a request form on the website and we’ll reach out to you in a moment!

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