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Field: Entertainment
Year: 2022

Operator Partner+Relivent operates in both the B2B and B2C markets as a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to assist artists in organizing their events in a simple and fast manner, allowing for seamless ticket sales without the need for registration.

Business Challenges

The primary challenge was to develop various collaboration packages with artists so that satisfactory conditions could be offered to both parties. These efforts aimed to expand the list of events offered by the platform. Simultaneously, there was a need to refurbish the brand image in the B2C market, enabling the company to increase its revenue and enhance client satisfaction in the B2B market. These actions had to occur simultaneously, presenting an additional challenge in executing the entire project.


Engaging offers tailored for artists were presented in an appealing manner, thereby increasing their interest in collaboration. Additionally, the platform's image was revamped, focusing on new colors, fonts, and graphic elements. Simultaneously, marketing activities were conducted in various regions in the B2C markets, tailored to the target audience in each specific region.


The complexity of the project was effectively managed, resulting in an organic revenue increase of over $30,000 and the sale of more than 7,500 tickets for various cultural events throughout Europe within 4 months.

DesignFront-end devClients: Relivent ticket system

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