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Field: Beauty
Year: 2023

Qi-salon is a beauty salon located in Warsaw. Prior to our collaboration, it enjoyed the appreciation of loyal customers, but struggled to reach new ones, thereby failing to fully leverage its potential and generate increased revenue.

Business Challenges

The goal was to enhance the brand's visibility and increase its engagement within the community. The growth of online reach aimed to improve the brand's image, generate more service inquiries, and translate into sales of cosmetics available in the salon and on the website.


We revamped the brand narrative to showcase, through social media, a team of top-tier specialists continually evolving and pioneering new solutions for the industry. Additionally, we focused on creative campaigns across all social media platforms - Instagram, Facebook, Booksy, and TikTok.


Significant improvements were observed across all social media channels, particularly on Instagram, where the number of followers increased by +604%, and activity surged by 28.5%. As a result, within 3 months, Qi Salon increased its revenue by 10%.

Visual identityDesignClients: Qi-salon

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