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Field: Clothes brand
Year: 2023

Pallium is a women's clothing company. It strongly emphasizes not only blending into trends but also creating and sometimes defying them. These actions give the brand a unique character and tone, enabling customers to feel greater opportunities for self-expression.


The company set the challenge of entering the international market. Right from the start, it aimed to reach potential audiences and set trends. To achieve this, it was essential to enter the market with a unique brand image.


A complete website rebranding was conducted, coupled with intensive content production. After in-depth analysis of competitors and precise examination of the target group, we were able to define specific actions and a communication style that hit the mark perfectly.


A specific action guide was created - detailing the frequency, length, and writing style of the content to be published. The brand's tone primarily emphasized courage and passion, traits that resonated with the brand's audience, fostering close relationships and fostering loyalty.

BrandingDesignClients: Pallium

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