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Spine Works

Field: Medical
Year: 2022

Spine Works Chiropractic Clinic is a new clinic specializing in post-accident rehabilitations. It was newly established in partnership with! The company operates in Portland, Oregon, USA. Upon entering the market, they initiated a collaboration with our agency, knowing that there is already significant competition entrenched with a strong reputation and active customer acquisition strategies.


The aim of our collaboration was to establish the brand image from scratch, conduct research, and then develop communication that would capture attention and attract new clients. We also had to explore the specifics of the medical market in the USA, which is entirely unique due to the absence of public healthcare compared to the rest of the world.


We created the entire visual brand identity - crafting logos, designing the website, and preparing templates for social media posts. All colors and characteristics of the elements used by Spine Works were intended to exude tranquility, confidence, and readiness for action. Therefore, the brand's tone focused on prudence.


Organically and through paid efforts, we managed to acquire up to 50 potential clinic clients and achieved an exceptionally high Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 2.5%, which is remarkable for this industry.

DesignFront-end devClients: Spine Works medical clinic

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